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True Liberty Training

in Firearms and the Constitution

We offer quality training at the best value guaranteed!


There are a lot of choices of firearms instructors. Most provide adequate to excellent instruction at a consistent cost throughout the state. It is our mission to provide you with excellent training and help you achieve real life defensive hand gun skills that surpass military and law enforcement standards.

You will be offered advanced training which includes how to draw from a concealed holster and deliver accurate shots under timed pressure. Then you will learn how to enter a simulated home with your loved one held hostage by an armed intruder, and save them.

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Permit to Carry

It’s about you… We’d love to make getting a permit to carry as easy for you as possible. Online classroom in the comfort of your own home. Chapter quizzes to prove that you have the knowledge to carry safe and legal. Range shooting to confirm you can hit the target. NRA certified instructors, give you multi-state permit options.

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Advanced training is available.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can shoot like this under timed pressure from a concealed holster too. Ask us how.